Corby,UK.Sept 84

A Friends sighting

At about 22.00 I was sitting outside my house chatting to a friend.It was a cool and clear night with a bright sky.As ws were talking I noticed a bright light above some woodland about a mile away,but dismissed it as a planet such as Venus.After a few seconds we realised that it was getting closer and we then decided on that it was a helicopter with spotlights,until it passed over our heads at roughly 1500 feet in total silence.As it was overhead we could see two very dim lights to the rear of the object and clearly see the shape of the object as being triangular.At no time was there a beam,despite the brightness of the front light.The object was in sight for 2 to 3 minutes travelling at aprox 100-150 mph until obscured from view by houses.At the time of the sighting,whilst not being completly ignorant of the UFO subject,I had only ever thought of them as being saucer shaped,never a flying triangle!! To add to the mystery,the following morning brought reports of similar objects all over the UK on Radio 1s news bulletins.

by Mark Crawford. PHG.

UK Sightings